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ERAC 2024  by MORiS

ERAC 2024, which took place on April 11, 2024, at the Cineplexx Center Ljubljana, under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of the City of Ljubljana, exceeded all expectations.

It was attended by more than 350 individuals. Among the attendees there were members of the rescue services, firefighters, police and military, members of the diplomatic corps in the Republic of Slovenia, social services, schoolteachers and principals, shopping mall and sport facility operators, hoteliers and the general public.

Well-chosen topics

This year’s event was moderated by lovely Nina Cijan and Bernarda Žarn, in the presence of major Slovenian news agencies, which published several articles about the conference, speakers and discussed topics.

The discussion on active shooter & mass casualty incidents again turned out to be a well-chosen topic, as only few days prior and few days after the conference a potential threat and a tragic incident took place.

Just 3 days before the event, the anonymous threat of an intended school shooting in Slovenia, was announced under the comments of the Finland school shooting news article. Fortunately, this did not happen later.

Only 2 days after the event a tragic incident stabbing attack occurred in Sydney, Australia. Where 40-year-old J.C. stabbed and killed six and injured a further twelve people.

This only confirms how important such discussions are, which advise the public on how to prevent or react in such situations.

This year’s ERAC Awards were presented to the organizations and individuals who offered selfless support during the 2023 floods that affected Slovenia. Among the recipients are U.S. Embassy Ljubljana, British Embassy Ljubljana, ISO Glass, Špan d.o.o., Prigo d.o.o., VIP Prevozi d.o.o., Ekoturizem d.o.o. GoGreen and Katja Hlebš as the extraordinary volunteer.


Special ERAC Award for contribution to the traffic and public safety was awarded to Emergency Lane Institute (Zavod Reševalni Pas)